Saturday, November 25, 2006

A Different Rabbi

Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.

Matthew 11:28-30
NKJV Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.

**The following was assembled by yours truly with assistance from Velvet Elvis, by Rob Bell.**

After learning a little bit more about the use of the term "yoke," this verse stood out to me even more. (Some of you probably know far more about this than I, but I'm just starting to learn, so be nice to me.)

At an elementary school age, a young Jewish boy of the time would begin learning the Hebrew scriptures. As he progressed in his learning, a rabbi would determine if the boy had would it took to continue studying and learning to become a rabbi himself.

If a rabbi saw that you had, er, "potential," he would call you to take his yoke and follow him and learn from him. In fact, having the dust from the rabbi's feet on you was a sign of how closely you followed him.

That is tremendously encouraging to me. Imagine how Simon Peter and Andrew, the fishermen, felt. They had probably grown up knowing they weren't "rabbinic material." They caught fish for living. Then comes Jesus, a rabbi, calling them out of their boats to follow him.

Imagine all your life wanting to be an...astronaut. You had the astronaut wallpaper and toy space shuttles and the whole nine yards, but when you came of age to become an astronaut, you were told to go follow the trade of your father and catch fish. But then, a real-live professional "I have an astronaut's license" astronaut came to you and asked you to come be an astronaut with him.

I imagine that's how Jesus' disciples felt. Jesus was asking them to follow Him. Follow a real-live rabbi.

Jesus wants to take your burden and make it his own. He is gentle - not sissy gentle - but concerned and compassionate and caring. He will give you rest. Just follow Him.

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