Wednesday, November 22, 2006


So many things are acceptable in our world today that should be looked upon as awful, horrible, disgusting things. I'll give you a fine example.

Last night at school, (where else?), I was talking about my job with one of my classmates. We'll call her "Lucy." I was sharing with Lucy how much I like my co-workers and that, overall, it's a good place to work. I mentioned that I have a pretty good relationship with my boss and that I've helped her with things outside of work (putting up Christmas lights, moving, etc.)

Our conversation was something like this:
LUCY: "You got a little secret something' goin' on?"
ME: "No, it's nothing like that. I could never do that anyway."
LUCY: "Whatchoo mean? Why not?"
ME: "I just couldn't. She's married, she's my boss. I don't do that kinda stuff. It wouldn't exactly work out."
LUCY: "That don't stop most people."
ME: "It stops me."
Lucy didn't understand. She told me I must be one of those good guys. I'll take that. Good guy. Different. Redeemed. Whatever.
Why am I in some almost-looked-down-upon group? Good Guys. The world is trying to get rid of us. Why didn't Lucy support me in my desire to do the right thing? Some where along the line, she's fallen into the idea that it's okay to be unfaithful to your spouse. Fornication is okay. Marriage means nothing.
This is what a world without Christ is bound to be. Unfaithful. He is the only hope I see. Sorry to be so downcast, but I'm just sad for Lucy and all the others who believe like her.

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